Sunday, 27 October 2013

jquery promises wrapped in javascript closures, oh my..

I recently had a question from one of my fellow devs regarding a problem where the values in a loop were not what they expected. This was down to the deferred execution of the success function after a promise had been resolved.

The following code has been simplified for this explanation:

function (userArray) {
  var i;

  for (i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
    var userDto = userArray[i];
    var user = new UserModel();
    user.displayName = userDto.displayName;
    var promise = service.getJSON(userDto.policies);

      system.log("user.displayname : " + user.displayname);
      convertAndStore(user, policyDtos);

userArray = ['bob', 'sue', 'jon']; //* see footer
user.displayname : jon
user.displayname : jon
user.displayname : jon

service.getJSON (line 07) returns a jquery promise, the function actually makes a service call to an external API and so can take some time to resolve. Notice how the var userDto and user are declared within the loop, this is not best practice in javascript as the variables are actually hoisted up to the containing function (next to var i). To a none javascript expert it looks like the variables will be created anew inside the loop as they are in c#. In fact there is only one copy of i, user and userDto so obviously the values are overwritten within every loop iteration.

This is the fixed function using closures.

function (userArray) {
  var i,userDto, promise;

  for (i = 0; i < userArray.length; i++) {
    userDto = userArray[i];
    promise = service.getJSON(userDto.policies);
    (function(capturedDisplayName) {
      var user = new UserModel();
      user.displayName = capturedDisplayName;

        system.log("user.displayname : " + user.displayname);
        convertAndStore(user, policyDtos);
    }) (userDto.displayName);

userArray = ['bob', 'sue', 'jon']; //** see footer
user.displayname : bob
user.displayname : sue
user.displayname : jon

The introduced function on line 07 creates a capture around the variable userDto.displayName, the variable is a parameter called capturedDisplayName. Now there is a copy of this variable for every iteration of the loop allowing you to use it after the promise has resolved.
You may wonder why the variable promise works as intended given the problems with user and userDto? Well that is because the object referenced within the loop iteration has the .then attached to it before it is overwritten by the next loop, remember the object itself is not overwritten or changed on line 05 only the reference to the object.

//* In reality are more complex objects than simple strings, I'm trying to keep this simple for readability.
//** The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

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